Training Courses for Education


Sleep is an occupation that is vital to our existence!

Getting enough sleep is essential to enable us to be healthy, promoting our growth and development, and supporting us to participate effectively in essential and desired everyday activities.

We often experience difficulties with sleep, including settling to sleep, night waking, and early morning waking. Consequently, this can impact negatively on our daytime productivity and well-being.

Rhona trained as a sleep counsellor with Sleep Scotland in 2010 and since this time has successfully embedded this into her practice as an Occupational Therapist with children, young people, and adults, and has lectured extensively in this field.

To promote good sleep, Rhona delivers an occupational therapy-based training course with resources for education called “Sleep Insight for Education”.

Sleep Insight for Education covers the following content:

    • Exploring what sleep is and why it is important to our everyday participation and performance.
    • Sleep based problems in children and young people.
    • Sleep Needs.
    • Help with how to promote better sleep for children and their families.
    • Where to get further advice and support.

This course can be delivered in a flexible way to meet your needs, please contact Rhona to discuss further.


We all have sensory needs, preferences, and challenges, understanding ourselves as a sensory being can help us to function at our best in the different environments that we use and make life more meaningful. Sometimes our sensory based challenges can impact on our ability to engage in everyday tasks effectively, therefore learning more about this topic and finding the right strategies to address these challenges can promote better engagement and performance in everyday activities.

Rhona has postgraduate training in Ayres Sensory Integration®. This is a theory and an approach used by therapists with additional training that was originally created by Dr. Jean Ayres, an occupational therapist, and a psychologist. She developed this approach to better explain the relationship between our behaviour and our bodies’ nervous system.

To help improve awareness of our senses and how our senses support us to function in everything that we do, Rhona provides a training course with resources on sensory processing and integration called “My Sensory Self for Education”.

My Sensory Self for Education contains the following content:

  • Help to understand the different sensory systems that we have and how they help us with everything we do in everyday life.
  • Support to recognise and understand some of the sensory challenges individuals may present with in the education setting.
  • Explore strategies and frameworks that may be useful to embed in all the different education-based environments. Please note that the strategies provided will be generalised and are not to replace an individualised, comprehensive assessment conducted by an Occupational Therapist with additional postgraduate training in this approach.

This course can be delivered in a flexible way to meet your needs, please contact Rhona to discuss further.