Before intervention commences, Rhona will work with the child and key stakeholders to develop meaningful and measurable goals in order to develop strengths further and address the areas of identified challenge. Rhona is trained in a range of interventions including, yet not exclusive to:

  • Support and development in activities of daily living, e.g. dressing, utensil use
  • Environmental adaptation
  • Personalised sensory based strategies to aid engagement at home, school and within the community
  • Sensory-Motor Intervention Programmes
  • Direct Ayres Sensory Integration Therapy®
  • Programmes to include The Alert Program®, Zones of Regulation®, Why Try®, 1-2-3 Magic Parenting
  • Handwriting programmes
  • Sleep Counselling Support
  • Behaviour modification support
  • Equine Facilitated Occupational Therapy

Please contact Rhona for bookings and appointments.