Getting enough sleep is essential to enable us to be healthy, promoting our growth and development, and supporting us to engage effectively in essential and desired everyday activity.


We can often experience difficulties with sleep, including settling to sleep, night waking, and early morning waking. Consequently, this can impact negatively on our daytime functioning and well-being.


Rhona trained as a sleep counsellor with Sleep Scotland in 2010 and since this time has successfully embedded this into her practice as an Occupational Therapist with children, young people, and adults, and has lectured in this field. 

Learning and Improving Sleep On-line with Rhona

Rhona provides on-line training to help improve sleep for both families and adults, the course are provided below.  Each session costs £15 to download and you have access for a 15 day period.

What is Sleep

This 1.5 hour course teaches you about what sleep is, and the importance of getting enough sleep.

Creating the right sleep space

This 1 hour course supports Parents and Carers to develop a sleep environment individualised to their child’s needs.

Strategies for sleeping well

This 1.5 hour course supports Parents and Carers to develop a toolbox to support their children to get a better night’s sleep.